5 incredible places in Panama for diving

The Panamanian geography holds natural secrets that offer really incredible places for scuba diving.

To dive safely in Panama, it’s important to understand that there are three main types genres of the sport: reef diving, wall diving and night diving.

Given the many places to practice the sport, diving has become a favorite for aficionados as well as visitors that visit the Caribbean beaches in the country.

These are some of the most incredible locations for the sport.

Pearl Islands Archipelago

Photo: www.panamayachtadventures.com

With a total of 93 islands located in the South Pacific region, this place overflows with multiple reefs for diving and/or snorkeling. Some species hold an important place such as butterfly fish, angel fish, sand fish, parrotfish, triggerfish as well as the common blowfish and tuna.

Hospital Point

Photo: www.therealdealtours.comwww.therealdealtours.com

It refers to an island considerable in size that can only be accessed through sea. It has an important water channel that separates it from Carenero Island. The highlight is that in its interior, lives a wall with the necessary conditions for vertical diving. This construction is home to countless creatures that use the existing holes as home.

Solarte Island

Photo: http://bocasdeltoro.com

Here you can engage in two types of diving: wall and reef. For the first one you can find Manuel’s Wall which is composed of 14 and 22 meter walls. In the northern part of the island you can find the Buoy Line Channel that has a coral reef that easily surpasses 30 meters in height.

Coiba National Park


For scuba diving in the coasts of the park, you have the Coiba Scuba Diving Center, specifically located in the town of Santa Catalina in the Azuero Peninsula. From here and with their assistance, it is possible to enjoy the biodiversity of the place through all forms of diving, including night diving.

Caña Island

An excellent option for reef diving lovers. With beaches that surpass the 16 kilometer mark, it is possible to find over 500 different species of fish that live here. Amongst these are turtles that arrive at the beach to lay eggs.

What do you need to consider?

First of all, the time of year is an important factor. Second, depending on the destination and the goal of the trip, it is recommended to take different courses led by institutes worldwide.

The most renowned is the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Open Water Diver course. This course requires as pre requisite being over 10 years of age, good health and having a valid general medical evaluation.

These and other certifications also include the teaching of breathing techniques for underwater as well as basic control and handling of equipment.

The course is provided in many languages including English, French, Spanish and German. Following these and other recommendations, your diving experience in Panama will be unforgettable.




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