7 things to consider when moving to Panama

When deciding to leave your country and come to live in the Isthmus -with all the wonders it offers- it is necessary to evaluate what are the best options to carry out the transfer of your belongings.

We spoke with Dovi Eisenman, CEO of Grupo FCI, a logistics holding company whose Movers carry out this type of work in the country, to tell us about what aspects should be considered when hiring a moving company.

“It is always important to evaluate the company that is in charge of an international move. Especially in Panama, where you have to consider variables such as distance from the destination and height of the delivery, ”said Dovi at the beginning of our conversation.

The logistic facilities that the country presents – in number of ports with access to the Atlantic and the Pacific as well as the air and land interconnection – allow the process to be very efficient.

FCI is a company with extensive experience in logistics. For this reason, talking with its CEO allows us to visualize those small details that are important when making the right decision.

These are the seven things to consider according to Eisenman:

  1. Verify that all declared belongings are for personal use. With that you will avoid the liquidation process and paying taxes.
  2. To access this benefit, Customs will require documentation according to the person’s immigration status. These are:
    1. Foreign citizens who come to work in Panama
    2. Investor Citizen
    3. Citizen with own economic solvency
    4. Retired citizen
    5. Diplomat
    6. Panamanian returning to his country
  1. The immigration status will determine the type of documents required. It is also important to know in advance what types of belongings are prohibited for this type of service.
  2. Evaluate the trajectory, experience and scope of the service of the company to be hired.
  3. One of the most important aspects is knowing if the company has the appropriate insurance to do the job, especially coverage of deductibles. The transfer is not going to be cheaper than the damage.
  4. Manage very well everything that has to do with the arrival of the cargo at its destination. Place of delivery (city / interior), elevation of delivery (# of the floor where it must be delivered because the equipment necessary to deliver on a 10th floor is different from that of a 30th floor), required permits, deposit fee, etc.
  5. Clearly define the scope of the work. We have seen cases where door to door is defined as the delivery of the move at the door of the house. It is very important to be clear about expectations to ensure the service.

Prior to making a decision, evaluate your options. These tips are good questions to ask and decide who will be the correct provider.




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