Jessica Barboza: “I am happy with my decision to live in Panama”

The famous blogger and model decided to settle in the country after she got married. Some years have passed since then and today she explains the reasons why she is happy to be here.

Jessica explains that love brought her to Panama. After getting engaged to her now husband, they had to decide where to live. Meanwhile, he would work and live here as she was living in Miami.

“When we got engaged and it was time to become a family, we had to decide if we wanted to live in the United States, which was one option due to my job, or Panama. Taking into account all factors, I decided to move to Panama City and I am very happy with my decision.”

We took advantage of her stay in Buenaventura,to ask her about her life in the country and any tips she could provide for those contemplating the option of moving here.

PL: What do you find attractive about Panama?  

JB: JB: I enjoy many things. I like the attitude of the people, I really like the weather. In my case, I come from a city that is very warm, that is tropical and this type of weather is where I am at my happiest, where I have the option that if I get too hot, I go home and turn on the air conditioning, but in general, the warmth of the environment since it also reflects in its people and the lifestyle.

People have fun, eat well, you can go to the beach, spend time with friends and family and this is also one of the things that also motivated me to decide to move to this beautiful country.

PL: What do you most enjoy about living in Panama?

JB: I honestly feel that it is an ideal country for a family, to raise your children. It is a country that offers many opportunities and amenities.

Since it is a small country, you also have options to move around and discover; reach the beach in an hour and a half as is the case for Buenaventura that is literally an hour and a half from my home in Panama. And if you prefer something a bit colder, you are minutes away from El Valle.This is how you can enjoy a lifestyle that offers many things and I think this is one of the main distinctions of the country.

PL: What would you recommend for a foreigner that is looking to move to the country?

JB: Well to come prepared, with energy to put in the effort, because even if it is a country with lots of opportunities, there are many who are trying to get ahead in life. Therefore, forget conformity, forget amenities, change the state of mind that you bring from your own country and come here with the willingness to live the Panamanian life. Prepare to enjoy, prepare to have fun, prepare to eat well, prepare to travel, to discover, to make friends that become family.

And above all, this is an important tip: be aware of the topic of schools. If you have small children and are thinking about moving to Panama, this is a topic that you have to have really thought out and considered.

And now, Jessica has another reason to love Panama: Buenaventura. Her stay, thanks to the Rentals Program – which allows for short or long term stays with the certified quality of Buenaventura – has allowed her to reconnect.

“I love Buenaventura. I have been here since January, living at the beach, and honestly after these months, I can say this is my best self, my happiest self. I have reconnected with who I am, with my will, my strength, my soul.”

You can follow Jessica Barboza’s life through her Instagram account @jessicabarboza1, in her blog or in her YouTube channel Peace and Vogue.




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