Private medical insurance: what you need to know

Private medical insurance is a good tool to access quality benefits in an important network of private clinics and hospitals in the country. Always take into account some recommendations. 

In Panama, private medical insurance is a tool that allows you to access first level infrastructure and services. However, before signing any insurance policy, the insured must understand the product that he or she is acquiring, which includes coverage, limitations and medical network that he will have access to and the exclusions it might have.  

In Panama there are two main modalities: “sum insured for life” or the classic model where the totality of the amount will be consumed until the policy is exhausted within the validity of the contract. And the “insured annual renewable sum”, a modality in which the agreed sum is restored up to 100% when the policy is renewed, regardless of the fact that during the last period of validity the sum had been partially or completely used. 

In all cases the insured must verify the co-payments (the amount that must be paid for a service) to be made to access medical consults, treatments, surgeries or hospitalizations. 

Another important piece of information in this type of insurance is to verify the type of company that is rendering the service. Generally speaking, working with a specialized insurance broker might be a good option since they understand the market, the insurance company’s information, the service network and the benefits that can be found, thus avoiding misunderstandings and grievances in the process of initiation or policy coverage. 

This information was developed by Panama Living, a digital platform committed to collecting, researching, and disseminating all the necessary information to turn your interest in Panama into a pleasant and enriching experience.




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