
Panama Living

Sites that hold the history of Panama

Panama is a country full of history. This is all product of the fact that the country was an important part of the Spanish empire for over three centuries.

Currently, all the traces of said demographic, architectonic, human and cultural inheritance are completely active and incorporated in the touristic wave whose objective is to transform Panama into a worldwide attractive destination.

The following four establishments stand out within national tourism tours as most visited.

Saint Joseph Chapel

Foto: https://arquitecturaenpanama.com

It was built as part of the colonial complex in Panama City in 1675 during the period where Catholic religion found its way to new lands. A historical fact is that the building is known for being related to the reforms of Fray Agustin de Carvala as he was creating the Saint Joseph Convent in the area.

Architecturally speaking, its main attraction is the high altar within the church. It is a structure that impresses the visitor with its height and its constitution made of gold.

The Christian symbolism is fully evident in figures such as the Crucifix in the central altarpiece, Saint Claire of the Cross of Montefalco, Saint Agustine and Saint Joseph, the father of baby Jesus.

San Lorenzo Fort

Foto: https://www.enexclusiva.com

Initially, it served as a site for military defense, created after King Felipe II requested it and completed in 1601. It was ultimately declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980.

This complex is located in the province of Colon, right at the mouth of the Chagres River. Amongst its least known uses was that of a prison compound. Today it is also an excellent place for bird watching.

Square of France

Foto: civitatis.com

Located in Panama City, and also known as the Monument for the Vaults in honor of its architectural structure. The site is located in Casco Viejo, having been an essential part of the Bastion of Chiriqui as a defense structure.

Historically, its creation dates back to the years 1921-1922, during the presidency of Belisario Porras.

Among its most representative characteristics is an 18 meter obelisk at the center. On top of it, it has a gallic rooster figurine as a symbol of French culture.

Portobelo National Park

Foto: https://www.myguidepanama.com/

Despite it falling in the nature category, this site located in the province of Colon, falls under the category of historical places due to the presence of forts from the Spanish Era.

It also became a World Heritage Site in 1980. In total it covers 35.929 hectares, totaling a fourth of the area in the continental marina region.

Generally speaking it is a tourism attraction, included in both international and local tours. It is located 30 minutes from Colon City and its history holds clear evidence of pirates and conquistador wars that were held in place.


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