Sustained stability and growth: Panama’s transformation.

Over the last ten years, Panama has been one of the economies with the best growth rate in the world leading to social changes in the country. 

Surrounded by the constant uncertainty of its neighboring countries, Panama has transformed into that peaceful calm place that many yearn for. Beyond the common local political discussions, there have not been institutional breakages and the democratically chosen government’s times have been respected.

This stability is what is evident in the economic growth of the country in the last decades and which has it today as a model for Latin American countries.

Looking to step away from the economic dependency provided by the Panama Canal income, the country is looking to diversify its productive matrix and is offering incentives for foreign investors.

For this, over 40 laws and decrees exist that offer special incentives for importing, both in tax and operational matters. Some areas that take pleasure in these incentives are tourism, areas that produce material for export, mining, reforestation, insurance, agricultural industry, petroleum free zones, infrastructure and construction.

Furthermore, the Investment Stability Law (Law. No. 54, July 22, 1998) guarantees rights equality for all investors, both foreign and national, reasserting the commitment of Panamanian politics to promote and provide a foreign investment environment that does not require much bureaucracy.

Likewise, the growth expectations for Panama for the next five years continue to be one of the highest in the region. 

This information was developed by Panama Living, a digital platform committed to collecting, researching, and disseminating all the necessary information to turn your interest in Panama into a pleasant and enriching experience.




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